For Homeowners
Do you qualify for home repairs?
Below is a list of criteria that must be met to qualify for Good Neighbors Home Repair services:
Qualifying Criteria:
Homeowner who lives in southern Chester County, PA, New Castle County, DE or Southern Lancaster County, PA (some exceptions apply).
Low-income homeowner.
Must be current on mortgage and taxes.
Must have lived in your home for at least 2 years and plan to continue living in your home for at least 5 years.
Disqualifying Criteria:
Owning more than one property.
Behind on taxes or mortgage.
If you are renting your home or are renting the home to other people.
Tell us about your situation:
There are several ways to contact us:
Complete the form below, click Submit, and we'll be in touch.
Telephone – Call our office (610-444-1860) and leave message. We will return your call.
Email – Send detailed information to: office@goodneighborshr.org