Mission, Vision, and Values
Our mission is to serve and care for people in need by making their homes safer, healthier and more livable, following Christ’s teaching to love our neighbors.
Our vision is for all people in our communities to live in a warm, safe, dry and healthy home.
Our Core Values
Good Neighbors exists to demonstrate our Christian faith through ministry to others. As in the story of the Good Samaritan, Christ has called us to help our neighbor in need. Our service reflects His love and compassion. Our desire is that everyone experience the hope, joy and dignity found in Christ.
Dignity and Respect
We uphold the dignity of all people. Every individual is made in God’s image and valued by Him. Therefore, we strive to enhance each individual’s emotional, spiritual, relational and physical well-being.
We improve communities and promote housing stability, particularly among those whose needs are impacted by age, health, disability, finances or employment status.
We practice Biblical standards of fairness, transparency, integrity and honesty in the conduct of our business. We manage funds prudently and use materials resourcefully. We treat our environment, God’s creation, with respect and care.
We align with like-minded churches, helping to extend their ministries and creating new opportunities for them to serve their neighbors. We embrace the involvement of local businesses, organizations and volunteers who generously partner with us to make a difference in our communities.
We humbly strive for quality and order in our relationships, organization, building and repair workmanship, and follow-up.
Gratitude and Joy in Service
We find joy exercising our God-given gifts and talents in service to others. We encourage, care for, and learn from each other as we work together.
Statement of Faith
As a Christian non-profit ministry founded on and motivated by our beliefs, Good Neighbors’ Board and leadership adhere to the following Biblically based doctrines of the faith. Good Neighbors aligns itself and works with churches of Christian denominations holding to these central doctrines.
Good Neighbors provides services to all qualified homeowners, regardless of belief.
WE BELIEVE the Bible to be the inspired Word of God. The Bible is our guide and sole authority for faith and life.
WE BELIEVE that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons — Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God is holy and righteous, merciful and loving, and desires that people should live in fellowship with Him and each other.
WE BELIEVE that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that He died for the sins of humanity, was bodily resurrected from the dead and ascended to the right hand of the Father, and will return again to earth.
WE BELIEVE that all people, in their self-centeredness, sin and defy God’s purpose for their lives. Through personal repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, sin is cleansed and salvation is received, through the working of the Holy Spirit.
We BELIEVE in the dignity of all people. Every individual, regardless of race, culture, religion or situation is made in God’s image and valued by Him. As Christ’s Church and compelled by His love and example we are called to help our neighbor in need, and to actively share the good news of Jesus.
WE BELIEVE the earth is God’s creation and belongs to Him. As followers of Christ, we are to be faithful stewards, thus we respect and honor God’s creation by avoiding waste or pollution of the world’s resources.